Treacle Miner Cottages of Cribden Hill

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Welcome to Cribden Hill the home of the Treacle Miners. The treacle miners from Cribden Hill and Grane Valley produced the finest quality treacle in the country, it was so important to the income of the populace that a secret underground railway line was installed to transport the valuable produce from the secret mines directly to the local markets and onwards to the gentrified streets of London Town. There has been no significant treacle mining in Britain since the nineteenth century because industry had made sugar and its by-products cheap and accessible. All that remains are the empty little cottages once inhabited by the treacle miners and their families.

Set of 6 lovely little treacle miner cottages with handmade bunting. approx. dimensions 49cm long. 13cm deep. 31cm tall.  cottages range from 12cm to 20cm overall height.

All hand made from upcycled and found materials. . Ready to collect from Anita’s Soft Furnishings and Gallery42 Warner St Accrington.

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